Happy One Year Blogaversary to Me!

Photo credit: wpgarage.com

One year ago today, I started Brooklyn Orchids! In that year, I’ve published 107 posts (including this one) and received close to 14,000 views! I’m very proud of what I’ve done with this blog so far, and I plan to keep it up. It’s nice having a hobby that I can share in this format with friends, family, and People of the Internet in general.

Since that first post a year ago, my orchid collection has grown from 9 to 31. My kill count has—unfortunately—increased from 2 to 7, but when your hobby involves growing living things, this is inevitable. Also in the past year, my orchids survived a move from Sunset Park to Park Slope and are now (for the most part) growing happily in my very own Orchid Room.

Over the last 365 days, I’ve written 28 Orchid of the Week posts, a couple posts on unfortunate orchid names, and a whole bunch of informational posts about growing orchids. I must admit that I’ve been slacking on those informational posts lately, and my goal is to get back in to the swing of writing them.

I hope you’ve been enjoying reading my blog as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it! Here’s to many more years of orchid obsession and blogging.  Ta-ta for now. 🙂

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