Happy 2018, everybody! Now that we’ve put the dumpster fire called 2017 behind us, my wish is that 2018 is filled with less stress, outrage, and drama…globally.
Although I no longer live in New York City I wanted to post about this year’s New York Botanical Garden Orchid Show dates. The first time I attended the Orchid Show was the day my obsession with these plants began, so it will always hold a special place in my heart. Sadly, I didn’t even get to go to the show last year because we moved to DC at the end of February and I was too busy packing up our apartment to visit the show before our move. Maybe I’ll have a chance to go to NYC and see the show this year!
The folks at Brooklyn Botanic Garden were so super kind to comp me a ticket to their “LUSH” party this past Friday, February 10. I was thrilled to be able to go, especially considering I can’t really afford to drop $65 for a night out. My boyfriend (who did purchase his ticket) and I had a great time!
I’d never been to an event at BBG before. This party was held in their event room, called the Palm House, and it’s really gorgeous when all lit up at night:
Dave Horak, BBG Orchid Curator with a lovely orchid. Photo by Elizabeth Peters
Attention all Brooklyn orchid lovers-slash-party people! On Friday, February 10, Brooklyn Botanic Garden is throwing what sounds like an incredibly fun bash called Lush. The party is being held in the BBG Palm House and will include the following:
Live music from boogaloo band Spanglish Fly (I actually have no idea what “boogaloo” style music is, but I imagine it’s festive)
Custom cut leaf silhouettes by artist Aaron Birk (this in particular sounds really cool and I’m curious to see the end result!)
But the most exciting part? I’ll let the event’s press release speak for itself:
“BBG curator Dave Horak will bring guests behind the scenes of BBG’s orchid collection, introducing some of the world’s most remarkable tropical specimens in BBG’s care. Guests will also have a special chance to see the orchid nursery, usually unavailable for public viewing, and learn about the critical conservation of tropical orchids.”
Dave Horak, BBG Orchid Curator. Photo by Elizabeth Peters
The events runs from 8pm to midnight and tickets are $65 a pop. I’m going to try to swing it, though being mostly unemployed makes it a hard for me to spend $65 for an evening out. The party does sound like it will be well worth it, though. Anyone out there planning to go?
Correction: I originally stated that tickets are $75, but they are in fact $65 apiece.
My parents were in town from St. Louis this past weekend and early this week. My mom is a fan of orchids, so I thought it would be a fun activity for us to go to the Orchid Show at NYBG. So on Tuesday morning we met at my parents’ hotel in Brooklyn Heights and my mom and I subwayed it to Grand Central, then took the Metro North train up to the Botanical Garden. It was only a 20 minute ride from Grand Central—and so much cheaper than renting a Zipcar and faster than taking the subway the whole way!
Most of the flowers on display were the same as my first time around, but there were a few new ones here and there. This show just never gets old!
So, here they are: my favorite photos from my second visit to The Orchid Show….
I’ve read about this Keiki Grow Plus paste that you can use to try and propagate Phalaenopsis orchids, and I wanted to give it a whirl for myself. Basically, it’s a paste consisting of hormones that, if applied correctly, can encourage the growth of a keiki—a baby plant—off the spike of the original plant. Orchid propagation is not for beginners or the faint of heart (propagation involves a sterile environment…and that’s about all I know about it), so this paste provides a way for us “regular folk” to clone our own plants.
I recently traded in some MyPoints for an Amazon.com gift card, so I used that money to buy Keiki Grow Paste from the Carter & Holmes Orchids store on Amazon. It cost $27.95 for a very small (15 ml) container, but as I am finding out, a little goes a long way with the stuff. Side note: Carter & Holmes shipped my order very quickly…two thumbs up!! [Side side note: C&H no longer carries this paste on Amazon, but it can be found at the Amazon Repotme store…paid link.]
Yesterday morning, my boyfriend and I rented a Zipcar (to avoid sitting on the subway for 3+ hours to and from the Bronx) and drove up to the New York Botanical Garden for the annual Orchid Show! I’ve been talking about going to this show for awhile and was so, so excited to go! My visit to the NYBG’s Orchid Show in 2009 was what initially sparked my interest in these amazing plants, so this show holds a special place in my memories.
As you may know, this year’s theme is “On Broadway.” The display in the entrance to the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory is seen in the photo above, with orchids creating a proscenium arch and stage in the middle of the large reflecting pool. This display is comprised mostly of Cymbidiums and Epidendrums in yellows, oranges, and reds…and it’s quite a show-stopper (heehee).