My Encyclia Cochleata Has Bloomed!

Last week I updated you on my new Encyclia cochleata’s bud development, and I’m happy to announce that the plant is now officially in bloom—and it is perfection!

IMG_7362 (1)
For the record, we did not paint the wall ourselves.

The first bloom actually opened up earlier this week, and the second one was open when I woke up this morning.

Encyclia cochleata in bloom
The first bloom

I am so in love with these flowers! Here’s a closer look at the second bloom to open up:

Encyclia cochleata flower

I took this photo so you could take a look at the happy sap on the buds—see that little water droplet-looking thing near the center of the photo? That’s happy sap!

Encyclia cochleata happy sap
Check out the rich color of the flower in the sunlight!

As you can see, there are more buds growing on the spike, so I should end up with at least three more blooms on this orchid.

I know I keep saying this, but it is just so damn exciting to finally have some orchid blooms around here! And my Brassavola nodosa’s spike is coming along nicely, so I’ll have some blooms on that plant sometime in the near future as well. YAY!!

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