Dear Orchid Blog,
I’m aware that I’ve totally neglected you as of late. I promise to be a better blog caretaker.
With that out of the way, I’d like to give a quick update on some of the growth that is going on in my orchid collection, starting with my NOID Oncidium that is going to bloom soon!
I bought that orchid a year ago at Ikea and it’s been doing really well, obviously. Just look at that plump, juicy pseudobulb where the spike is growing out of. Yippeee!
Slightly less exciting but good nonetheless is a lot of new growth taking place. Plenty of photos below…
My Dendrobium aggregatum from Lowe’s:
Iwanagara appleblossom, also from Lowe’s:
Two new growths on my Encyclia cochleata from Hausermann’s:
A nice fast-growing sprout on my Bollopetalum from the NYBG:
Nice growth on my Oncidium ampliatum from Lowe’s (apparently, I buy a lot of orchids there):
A couple new little growths are starting to make their appearance on my NOID Dendrobium from the BBG:
And my peloric Phal from Home Depot is putting out a fat side spike:
So, overall my orchids are doing really well. All of this growth is a sign of good things to come. And by good things, I mean lots and lots of beautiful blooms! My keiki grow paste experiment is…well…I’ll just have to do a separate post on that. So stay tuned!
1 comment
Good to see the “big box stores” aren’t all bad when it comes to orchids.