Orchid of the Week: Iwanagara Appleblossom

This week’s orchid is one that is part of my own collection: Iwanagara Appleblossom, which I bought at Lowe’s a couple weeks ago (mine is not in bloom). According to judywhite’s book Bloom-Again Orchids, this hybrid is a man-made cross of SIX different genera (three of which I’ve never even heard of!): Cattleya x Caularthron x Guarianthe x Laelia x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis. It’s amazing that orchid growers were able to create such a thing of beauty:

Iwanagara appleblossom
Photo credit: Xmpraedicta, Flickr

The blooms are fragrant and can be super strong, especially in the morning. In the home, this orchid can be grown in a similar environment as cattleyas.

Iwanagara appleblossom blooms
Photo credit: Nurelias, Flickr

I was super excited to find this orchid at Lowe’s and I just HAD to have it! Unfortunately my plant may be a bit of a project, as it only had a few decent roots by the time I finished cutting away the rotten ones when I first brought it home. I am keeping my hopes up for this one – looks like it will be incredibly rewarding if I can nurse it back to health and get it to bloom!

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  1. I purchased mine for Santa Barbara Orchids a few years ago while living in San Clemente, CA. Moved with my collection to Phoenix last September; a very harsh environment. I joined the Desert Valley Orchid Society early this year and took my Iwanagara for their orchid show display. When I returned the following day, I found a blue First Place ribbon hanging from my plant. Surprised doesn’t begin to capture my reaction. A very hardy plant that is doing well here.

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