Blog Housekeeping, Brooklyn Orchids 2013 Calendar Now Available, and December Spike Report

My mom’s beautiful, fragrant Brassavola nodosa in bloom over Thanksgiving

Exciting things are afoot here at Brooklyn Orchids. First and foremost, I’m happy to announce that I’ve finally switched over to my own my boyfriend’s website host, which will allow me a lot more flexibility in customizing my site. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, and with the help of my wonderful boyfriend (thankyouthankyouthankyou my dear!!), the time is now.

What does this mean for you as a reader? So far, not much, but you can expect to start seeing some changes here and there. I’m not very well versed in web tech stuff, so it’s going to take me awhile to figure how to do what I want to do around here. In the meantime, if you see anything weird going on with my blog, please don’t hesitate to comment and let me know!

The next announcement I have is that the Brooklyn Orchids 2013 Calendar is now available in my Zazzle store! The calendar is $23.00 and includes twelve months of my original orchid photography, mostly from my visit to the Orchid Show this past spring. It makes a great holiday gift for the orchid fiend in your life (and a great gift for yourself, of course!). I’ve also added a bunch of great new products to my store, including a variety of orchid iPhone cases, iPad cases, Kindle cases, and aluminum water bottles. I’m going to be adding even more products to the store soon. If you have any requests for a specific orchid photo of mine on a particular product, please let me know!

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A Nice Little Morning Surprise

Just a quick little update….Look what I woke up to this morning:

Oncidium bloom!

This is the Oncidium that spiked awhile back and I’ve been waiting patiently for the blooms to open. They’re finally starting to wake up! It’s moments like these that make orchid growing 110% worth it. Once all of the blooms have opened I’ll post another pic. 🙂

“The Orchid Show: Patrick Blanc’s Vertical Gardens” is Now Open!

The New York Botanical Garden‘s tenth annual Orchid Show opened this past Saturday! I haven’t had a chance to go yet, but my friend and her mom went the day before the show opened to the public, on “member day.” My friend texted me from there and said that I was going to freak out over how amazing it is!! She sent me a few photos from her visit…and the displays certainly do look stunning:

Vertical Garden – Photo by Monique Hartl
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