First Bloom of 2014 + The Orchid Show 2014

I woke up this morning to a nice little surprise: my first Phal bloom of the year!

First bloom of 2014

And my other Phals in spike are coming along nicely:

Yellow Phal spike

This one's my peloric Phal!
This one’s my peloric Phal!

Harlequin Phal in spike Phal keiki in spike

My wonderful husband gave me a new digital camera as a holiday gift and I’m still learning how to use it, so please bear with me as I work through figuring out all of its settings!

On another note, one of my Phals has a dying leaf that looks like it could be the result of a virus or something (pic below)…any readers out there have any idea what the issue might be?

What's up with this guy?
What’s up with this guy?

Yikes. I hope whatever it is is not contagious. I’m thinking I should probably quarantine the plant until I figure out what’s wrong with it. I’m also going to post the pic on the Orchid Board and see if anyone over there knows what this might be.

Also? The New York Botanical Garden has released the dates and theme for this year’s Orchid Show! The theme is “Key West Contemporary” and the show will run from March 1, 2014 through April 22, 2014. That’s all the info that I can see on their website for now, but I’m already looking forward to attending for the sixth year in a row!

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