Shameless Self-Promotion for My Zazzle Store!

My Zazzle best-seller

You may have already discovered this by browsing my blog, but I have a Zazzle store called Sarah’s Botanical Shop where you can buy all sorts of goodies with my original photography printed on them. Most of the products use photos of orchids (duh!) but I also offer some items with general nature photography that I’ve taken at various botanical gardens over the past year.

One of my best-selling items is this pink & green Cymbidium orchid postage stamp that you see to the right. I’ve sold several copies of this stamp just this week!

My store offers tons of stamps, plus fun things like mousepads, notecards, mugs, calendars, and even baby onesies and doggie tee-shirts.

Zazzle is offering a discount TODAY ONLY—10.40% off all orders. The discount code to use is TAXDAYZAZZLE, which will be applied during the checkout process. So please, feel free to shop away in my store—especially today. Hint: there are lots of great items for Mother’s Day gifts!   🙂

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