Fall Blooms and Spikes, Plus a New Look

Fall 2021 Blooms and Spikes

Hello there! Yes, it’s me, the occasional orchid blogger. I’m back with a new look for my website! I’m still tweaking the appearance, but if you see anything funky, please feel free to leave a comment letting me know. The previous version of my site was not mobile friendly, but this new version should be compatible with mobile devices.  🙂

My favorite time of year is here, and along with it are a couple blooms on my Cattleya Mrs. Herbert Greaves that I got from Santa Barbara Orchid Estate back in 2016.

Cattleya Mrs. Herbert Greaves blooms

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Orchid Haul from Santa Barbara Orchid Estate

Over the holidays last year I received a lovely gift from my in-laws: a gift certificate for Santa Barbara Orchid Estate. My husband and I visited the place way back in May 2011; it was my first ever visit to an orchid nursery, and I loved it. I didn’t buy anything when we visited because I was worried about transporting orchids safely on a plane (which I have since done successfully). So I was excited to have the opportunity to have some orchids shipped directly to me from the estate!

From our 2011 visit
From our 2011 visit
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