We’re a few months in to 2024, and I have many blooming orchids to post about! First, I want to share this photo from the rotunda at the National Gallery (west building). We went there in late January and to my surprise, there was a beautiful display of orchids ringing the fountain:
There wasn’t much to report about my orchids for awhile, but now that we’re heading into winter, I have a whole bunch of spikes on my Phalaenopsis orchids! My two Tolumnias have spikes as well. I spent some time photographing the spikes the other day so that I could share pics here.
Before we dive in to my spike extravaganza, I want to remind readers that my 2024 calendar is available in my Zazzle shop. As of this posting, you can get 15% off using the code ZHOLIDAY2023 at checkout.
Okay! The first spike I’ll share is the Phalaenopsis that’s farthest along in the blooming process, with several buds already developing:
As promised, I’m finally sharing photos of all the orchids currently blooming in my collection! Having a greenhouse has really stepped up the number of blooms that my orchids provide me with each year. Blooming was more sporadic when I growing orchids in my various apartments over the years.
First, take a look at this stunning Phalaenopsis that John got me a couple years ago:
In mid-January, I shared some of the orchid blooms that had opened up in our greenhouse. A lot more action has happened since then—even more orchids have bloomed. So I’m back with fresh photos…including two orchids that I’ve had for 11 years without blooming once! Before we take a look at all of them, please enjoy this shot of a bright, sunny winter afternoon inside the greenhouse:
For the first time in YEARS, I have several orchids blooming and many more in spike. About two thirds of my Phalaenopsis orchids are currently blooming or in spike! Having our greenhouse has REALLY paid off. 🙂
So I’m here to share photos of my orchids that are in bloom! The first to bloom on a new spike was the Phalaenopsis tetraspis var. alba that I ordered from Orchids by Hausermann last summer:
Winter is the season in which many Phals display their full potential. While it actually doesn’t feel so wintery in NYC these days, my Phals are responding to the season as they should. I have a few orchids in bloom that I want to share with you! One of them is the Phal that opened up in mid January; a few more buds have opened and there are still more to come:
So many pretty flowers!
The second is a beautiful, colorful bloom on a side shoot of the Phal that my parents sent me for my 33rd birthday last summer:
Birthday orchid
And possibly the most exciting of the three, my Tolumnia from Lowe’s is finally beginning to bloom again!
Tolumnia bloom opening up
Another one of my Phals and two of my Phal keikis (one potted on its own, one still attached to its mother) are in spike too, so there will be blooms aplenty in the house soon. 🙂