Winter Blooming in Full Swing!

Very Exciting Times

For the first time in YEARS, I have several orchids blooming and many more in spike. About two thirds of my Phalaenopsis orchids are currently blooming or in spike! Having our greenhouse has REALLY paid off. 🙂

So I’m here to share photos of my orchids that are in bloom! The first to bloom on a new spike was the Phalaenopsis tetraspis var. alba that I ordered from Orchids by Hausermann last summer:

Phalaenopsis tetraspis var. alba blooms

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Precious Little Jewels & Spikes

Whoops…I forgot to do an Orchid of the Week post last Friday. For shame!

After my Lowe’s orchid shopping extravaganza last week, I’ve been waiting with bated breath for my new tolumnia’s blooms to open. I did my regular Sunday morning orchid watering session yesterday and noticed that one of the buds was starting to open!

Such amazing, velvety petals!

And this morning, I got up to discover the fully opened, gorgeous bloom:

My first Tolumnia bloom

How beautiful is that?? A couple of the other buds are beginning to open, so in the next few days I’ll have several little beauties. Woohoo!!

Also on the Woohoo!! front, I noticed that yet ANOTHER one of my phals is starting to put out a spike. I guess phal blooming season is coming up—they do generally bloom in the winter. So I currently have three phals that are throwing spikes. The newest one that I discovered is the one that I bought at the Union Square Greenmarket about a year and a half ago. This will already be the second spike that it has put out for me—it spiked and bloomed earlier this year. You can see the very beginning of this orchid’s spike in this image: it’s the small light green bit in the middle:

Spike starting to break through

And just for fun, an updated photo of my peloric phal’s spike:

It’s very clearly a spike now!

That’s all for now. So much orchid excitement in my house these days! So many exclamation points are necessary!