Orchid Haul from Santa Barbara Orchid Estate

Over the holidays last year I received a lovely gift from my in-laws: a gift certificate for Santa Barbara Orchid Estate. My husband and I visited the place way back in May 2011; it was my first ever visit to an orchid nursery, and I loved it. I didn’t buy anything when we visited because I was worried about transporting orchids safely on a plane (which I have since done successfully). So I was excited to have the opportunity to have some orchids shipped directly to me from the estate!

From our 2011 visit
From our 2011 visit
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Visiting Santa Barbara Orchid Estate

SB Orchid Estate

Last week, my boyfriend and I took a vacation to the LA area, where he grew up. We went on a day trip up north to Santa Barbara and made a pit stop glorious visit to Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, which, according to their website, boasts over five acres of land. The estate is hidden at the end of a twisting road that appears mostly residential along the way. And when you find the place, it’s pretty much like heaven. We only spent about an hour there because we had other places to visit, but I could have spent all day wandering the rows of orchids.

SBOE consists of room after room after room stuffed to the gills with orchids of all shapes and sizes. This place should be named Willy Wonka’s Orchid Factory. I was so overwhelmed but tried to take in as much as possible, mostly by snapping photos of approximately one million flowers. First I saw the room of Masdevallias. Then it was on to mini mounted orchids, Vandaceous orchids, Cattleyas, Oncidiums, Epidendrums, Cymbidiums, and so much more. They have orchids that I can identify by sight and orchids that I’ve never seen or heard of. Orchids that are practically microscopic and orchids that are taller than me (…and I’m tall!). All varieties of color and bloom shape. Let’s take a look at some of my favorites, shall we? Warning: one metric ton of orchid porn below!

Step inside the SBOE with me…
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First Orchid Farm Visit

This is just going to be really quick because I’m posting from my iPhone, but I have to share my excitement. I got to visit an orchid farm yesterday! I went to Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, and it was absolute heaven. So overwhelming…orchids everywhere.

I’ll do a proper post when I return home but I wanted to share a couple pics now.

Happy Friday the 13th!

