Current Orchid Blooms in my Greenhouse

Seventeen Blooming Orchids!

As promised, I’m finally sharing photos of all the orchids currently blooming in my collection! Having a greenhouse has really stepped up the number of blooms that my orchids provide me with each year. Blooming was more sporadic when I growing orchids in my various apartments over the years.

First, take a look at this stunning Phalaenopsis that John got me a couple years ago:

NOID Trader Joe's Phalaenopsis bloom

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Winter Blooming in Full Swing!

Very Exciting Times

For the first time in YEARS, I have several orchids blooming and many more in spike. About two thirds of my Phalaenopsis orchids are currently blooming or in spike! Having our greenhouse has REALLY paid off. 🙂

So I’m here to share photos of my orchids that are in bloom! The first to bloom on a new spike was the Phalaenopsis tetraspis var. alba that I ordered from Orchids by Hausermann last summer:

Phalaenopsis tetraspis var. alba blooms

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