Winter 2024 Blooms

Currently Blooming

We’re a few months in to 2024, and I have many blooming orchids to post about! First, I want to share this photo from the rotunda at the National Gallery (west building). We went there in late January and to my surprise, there was a beautiful display of orchids ringing the fountain:

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More Blooms to Brighten Up Winter

A Greenhouse of Blooms

In mid-January, I shared some of the orchid blooms that had opened up in our greenhouse. A lot more action has happened since then—even more orchids have bloomed. So I’m back with fresh photos…including two orchids that I’ve had for 11 years without blooming once! Before we take a look at all of them, please enjoy this shot of a bright, sunny winter afternoon inside the greenhouse:

Blooming orchids in greenhouse

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New Home + Orchid Update

New Home, Who Dis?

Yeah, I basically just post here a few times a year now. Eventually I’d like to get back to posting more regularly, but I’ve been much more focused on my Adventures of Herman blog and Instagram. And over the past few months we were busy with getting our new home move-in ready. We moved in at the end of January (hooray!!) and are still getting settled in.

We will be building a greenhouse in our back yard, like I mentioned, but that isn’t going to happen until June. So I needed a temporary indoor setup for my orchids once we moved. First I put them in my office, on shelves by the eastern-facing windows:

Pardon the move-in mess
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St. Louis Visit: Mom’s Beautiful Orchid Blooms

Happy Black Friday Day After Thanksgiving, everyone! My husband and I flew to St. Louis yesterday to visit with my parents for a few days and had a lovely dinner with them last night (thanks, Mom!).

Like me, my mom is an orchid enthusiast, and she currently has 15 orchids in the house. They’re spread out over a few different rooms, but most of them are getting southern exposure and are looking quite well. Two of them are blooming like gangbusters at the moment, and they’re so gorgeous that I wanted to share! Apologies for the iPhone quality photos—I actually FORGOT to pack my camera for this trip! Who am I?! I never forget my camera!

First up is a nice, large Oncidium Intergeneric Green Valley Honey ‘Sweet Lady’ which has one spike in full bloom and a second spike in development:

A very nice-sized orchid plant!
A very nice-sized orchid plant!
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Orchid of the Week: Dendrobium Aggregatum

Surprise! Bet you thought you weren’t going to see an Orchid of the Week post today, didn’t you? This regular feature has totally fallen by the wayside lately, and for that I apologize. I’ve actually been busier with work over the past few weeks, and then last Friday I was out and about preparing for that hurricane thing that happened.

Anyway, this week I’m featuring another orchid from my own collection, the Dendrobium aggregatum. For the record, mine has not bloomed yet, but I’ve only had it for a few months. This orchid is a bright, cheery plant that can produce loads of yellow blooms:

Photo credit: David in SWGA, Flickr
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