Vote #24 for Orchid Board 2012 Calendar

Vote for #24!

I’ve been terrible with blogging…again. Sorry guys! I visited an orchid farm out in San Diego and I still need to sit down and write a post about it, which I WILL DO this week. But for now, I’m going to do a totally shameless plug. For those of you who are members, voting is up for the 2012 calendar, and the photo that I submitted is in the running!

My photo (seen here) is #24 and I’m very proud of it, so PLEASE VOTE for it! We can each vote for 13 of the 43 entries, and there are plenty of great ones. But let’s be honest, I like mine the best. 🙂

I took the photo at this year’s Orchid Show at the New York Botanical Garden. It’s an xOdontocidium Sunlight ‘Pacific Punch’ and I absolutely love the burgundy-fading-into-peach coloring on the petals.

I’ve cast my votes. Voting ends in seven days, so be sure to make your choices ASAP. Thanks in advance for your support!