Happy New Year! + An Announcement

dc_gardenHappy 2017, everyone! I don’t know about you, but I was thrilled to say good riddance to 2016. Even though 2016 wasn’t a bad year overall for me personally, it was time for it to go.

If you haven’t gotten your 2017 Brooklyn Orchids calendar yet, you can order one from my Zazzle store at a 20.17% discount using this promo code:


The promo code is good through Wednesday, January 4, 2017.

You’re probably wondering what my announcement is. Well, after 15 years of living in New York City, I’m moving to Washington, DC! My husband’s business is expanding there and at some point over the last six months it became clear that it would make more sense for him to move to DC than for him to commute between the two cities on a frequent basis. There was no real reason for us to keep our apartment in Brooklyn simply for me to stay here…so we’re packing up all of our stuff and ripping the NYC bandaid off.

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