Current Orchid Blooms in my Greenhouse

Seventeen Blooming Orchids!

As promised, I’m finally sharing photos of all the orchids currently blooming in my collection! Having a greenhouse has really stepped up the number of blooms that my orchids provide me with each year. Blooming was more sporadic when I growing orchids in my various apartments over the years.

First, take a look at this stunning Phalaenopsis that John got me a couple years ago:

NOID Trader Joe's Phalaenopsis bloom

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Top 5 Posts of 2019 + A New Bloom!

Yet Another Top Post Countdown

It just occurred to me that 2019 marked my 10th year of orchid growing! This means that I’ve officially been into the hobby for a quarter of my life. That’s kind of mind blowing!

Okay, so every website on the planet is doing these “top X of the year” posts…I did it on my personal blog so I’m doing it here too.  🙂 But first, I wanna share a couple pics of my red NOID Phal keiki that started blooming yesterday! This one snuck in just before the end of the year:

Red Phalaenopsis bloom

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