December 2023 Orchid Spikes

So Many Winter Spikes!

There wasn’t much to report about my orchids for awhile, but now that we’re heading into winter, I have a whole bunch of spikes on my Phalaenopsis orchids! My two Tolumnias have spikes as well. I spent some time photographing the spikes the other day so that I could share pics here.

Before we dive in to my spike extravaganza, I want to remind readers that my 2024 calendar is available in my Zazzle shop. As of this posting, you can get 15% off using the code ZHOLIDAY2023 at checkout.

Okay! The first spike I’ll share is the Phalaenopsis that’s farthest along in the blooming process, with several buds already developing:

Phalaenopsis orchid buds

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Orchid Tourism in Florida and Georgia

Playing Orchid Tourist

Last week, my husband and I took a six-day vacation to Orlando, Savannah, and Charleston. When I travel I always like to find out if there are orchids I can see along the way. John did a little research and found an orchid nursery called EFG Orchids in DeLand, Florida that was only a bit out of our way on the drive from Orlando to Savannah. So we took a tiny detour from our road trip to see some orchids!

EFG Orchids

EFG is fairly small compared to some other orchid nurseries we’ve visited, but they have a nice variety. I of course took lots of photos and wanted to share them here. I didn’t catch the names of all of these, so if you can ID any of them, please let me know in the comments. First up, I particularly loved this Phaleanopsis schilleriana:

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