Happy New Year! + NYBG Orchid Show 2018 Dates

Happy 2018, everybody! Now that we’ve put the dumpster fire called 2017 behind us, my wish is that 2018 is filled with less stress, outrage, and drama…globally.

Although I no longer live in New York City I wanted to post about this year’s New York Botanical Garden Orchid Show dates. The first time I attended the Orchid Show was the day my obsession with these plants began, so it will always hold a special place in my heart. Sadly, I didn’t even get to go to the show last year because we moved to DC at the end of February and I was too busy packing up our apartment to visit the show before our move. Maybe I’ll have a chance to go to NYC and see the show this year!

Phal at Orchid Evenings 2016
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The Orchid Show 2015: My Member Preview Day Visit

Orchid Show 2015

Happy Orchid Show Opening Day, everyone! I had the good fortune to be able to attend the NYBG‘s annual show yesterday on their member preview day. My friend is a member and was allowed to bring guests, so being the resident orchid nerd of our group of friends I was a shoo-in, along with another friend who happened to be free on a Friday.  🙂 Yesterday marked my seventh annual visit to this Orchid Show! I can’t believe it’s been that long since I first attended and fell head over heels in love with these plants.

I’ve already posted some photos from my visit on The Social Medias, so if you aren’t already following @brooklynorchids on Facebook and Instagram, please do so!

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The Orchid Show 2013: Dates Announced!

Hanging out with Dendrobiums at the Orchid Show 2012
Hanging out with a Dendrobium display at the Orchid Show 2012

Good news, orchid lovers—the New York Botanical Garden‘s 11th annual Orchid Show dates have been released! The show will take place from March 2 to April 22, 2013. Tickets, as usual, are $20 per person…totally worth it for the orchid extravaganza that lies in wait!

The show is typically themed (last year was vertical gardens, 2011 was “On Broadway“), but this year it doesn’t sound like there is a specific theme. Here’s what the NYBG’s website says about The Orchid Show 2013:

Elaborate and kaleidoscopic displays throughout the galleries of the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory explode with orchids in an amazing array of colors, shapes, sizes, and textures. Tens of thousands of blooms–blue and purple vandas, green and yellow cymbidiums, delicate pink and white moth orchids, and more–stand out amid stately palms and exotic tropical leaves.

This year The Orchid Show is designed by Francisca P. Coelho, Vivian and Edward Merrin Vice President for Glasshouses and Exhibitions at the Garden. Coehlho is best known for her plantsmanship and key role in the design and development of high profile shows in the Conservatory.

Regardless of the theme (or lack thereof), you bet your ass I’ll make at least one visit to this year’s Orchid Show! Will you be attending?