12 Months’ Worth of Orchid Photography by Yours Truly
I have a confession: I meant to announce my 2019 calendar before Black Friday/Cyber Monday, but I completely forgot. Marketing fail! In my defense, my mind has been occupied with new house stuff, and we were traveling over Thanksgiving.
Anyway…the 2019 Brooklyn Orchids Calendar is now in my Zazzle store! Ta-da!
I’m starting to feel a little odd still calling my blog Brooklyn Orchids now that I haven’t lived in Brooklyn for more than a year and a half. But that’s neither here nor there.
Anyway! Next year’s calendar features photos I took at Orchid Spectrum at the U.S. Botanic Garden earlier this year. The exhibit was so beautiful!
I know not everyone uses paper calendars anymore, but I’m still kind of old school that way. I like to tack one of these 8.5″ x 11″ calendars up by my desk so I can easily glance at the current month. And what can I say, I enjoy my own orchid photos. 😛
Despite my complete lack of pre-Black Friday promotional acumen, you can still get my calendar at a discount! Zazzle is actually doing Cyber Week deals, and calendars are 50% off when you use promo code CYBRWEEKZAZZ at checkout. The regular price for my calendar is $23.45, but with the code you can score it for $11.73. I just ordered two of them myself—one for me and one for my husband.
Please note that the promo code is only valid through 11:59pm PST tomorrow, November 30, 2018. But if you miss out on this Zazzle sale I’m sure there will be more to come! And if you’re not interested in a calendar, there are plenty of other items in my store featuring my original orchid photography.
Thanks so much in advance for supporting my little Zazzle store!