Just wanted to write a quick update before I head to Italy for my honeymoon! As promised, I’ve given my blog a bit of a facelift. It’s officially a work in progress at this point, so there will be more changes once I return from my trip. I want to play around with the theme’s colors, font, etc etc…I don’t exactly have a vision for how I want it to look so I’ll be making tweaks here and there for a little while.
If you see anything on my website that looks funky or broken, please let me know and I’ll work on fixing it when I’m back!
Please send good orchid vibes my way—we’ll be hitting up the Dolomites and Sestri Levante in the Italian Riviera (among other places), and there are some wild orchids in those parts of Italy! From the bit of research I’ve done, the orchids native to the areas we’ll be visiting most likely won’t be in bloom while we’re there, but hey, you never know. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for some wild orchid sightings. And we may try to visit a botanical garden or two in between eating pasta and pizza and drinking vino.
In the meantime, enjoy the holiday and the (almost-but-not-quite) end of summer!
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